Tuesday, September 27, 2005

been a while...forgot what the last post was leading to

yeah it's been .....wow...long time....guess i didn't have time...

oh yeah...i remember now...

i was sitting near the front of the a GO bus back to hamilton one late saturday night. I tried to sleep but this "couple" in front of me were talking very loudly. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but my ears are sensitive and they pick up words and phrases such as "i like to smoke weed once in a while", or "nope, i haven't tried it like that, maybe next time." or just swear words....plenty of them....

that's what caught my attention, but when i did listen to their conversation, i cringed mostly from the format of the convo... the guy couldn't stop talking about himself, and what he does and what he's good at and what he's done....the only way the girl got to say something was when she interupted him to share what she thinks ....and then immediately the guy would give his two cents worth...like..."oh yeah, i totally agree, like this one time, I ....." seriously....many a times when i just wanted to stand up and slap the guy silly, yelling, "YOU'RE NOT CONVERSING PROPERLY!!"....

but ....i'm now worried about how i'm more annoyed by the fact that there weren't very socially capable than the fact that they were talking about drug-use, sex, and more drug-use.
