Monday, June 27, 2005

when will i reach perfection?

no seriously, don't tell me that i have to wait till i go to heaven to be perfect.
Weren't we first created to be in GOD's image? and wasn't His image perfect?! this is not bashing GOd hahahaha...(i'll have no foot to stand on in that debate) this is saying that sin managed to creep into a perfect creation and ruin it. Adam and Eve were with GOD, and yet sin still found it's way into hearts....the only way to be sinless is to be perfect like GOD, hmmmm, but then that would mean that we would have to BE gods....and knowing fully well that ONLY GOD IS GOD, we will never be GODS. So does this mean we'll never be perfect? and will heaven turn out to be another Earth situation?....does that mean that our "relationship" with God ends when we get to heaven, cuz of the lack of choice to do bad?...If heaven is where we were meant to be, what are we doin here in the first place?....

hmm....i dont feel angry or depressed or anything right now, nor did i at the beginning of this blog...these questions just seemed to be raised as i kept typing.

i don't think you SHOULD have an answer to these, but if you know of a way to comprehend all of this till we meet HIM, let me know.....or i shall let you know if i find out first...=P

Saturday, June 25, 2005


stop playing just defence, Paul.

You've got to stop playing the game.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

the answer to my own questions.

my Change of heart: the enhancement and improvement of my current Christian walk.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The paradox that we make of it all

ok, so...
i'll just go straight to it.

We are commanded to seek God's heart. Let's simplify. we are commanded to seek GOD. In other words, we are to seek a pure and holy life with God. We also know that this is impossible to do own our own power. Knowing this fact, then, the act of Asking God to help us to seek a pure and holy life with Him would mean that we are already seeking God, becuz we know we need Him to help us seek him.


k so it's not as simple as that. FUnny how the more complicated an issue gets, the less likely it is still a paradox.

Onto a more serious question then.

The past few weeks, i've been bombarded (in a good way) thru bible studies and mentors, that instead of thinking that God disciplines and/or punishes us only when we make a mistake.... We know that that is not how he works. Our actions stem from our heart. GOD disciplines us so that we can change our hearts.

After all i've been thru, i really don't know what a changed heart would look like. and what does it look like before the change? does it mean a change in attitude? a change in faith? a change in perception? Matthew changed his heart, when he decided to follow Jesus and leave his Taxcollecting days behind; Saul had a HUGE change of heart also (along with the name!) But in these examples, the changes were pretty clear cut.
What about in a CHristian heart? perhaps one who cannot seem to let go of a particular sin? I WANT to give it alllllll up....I've been working on one for years! I KNOW i can't do it myself, and i HAVE gave it all up to God, (or have i.....sigh....) I realise that, YES, while we need to let God help us to succeed, Faith without works IS dead! Perhaps "works" in this context can mean, effort or even strategies to help oneself. "GOD helps those who help themselves"....i heard that from my parents. (warning: but you should know that you should never take anything as ABSOLUTE)
What should i change my heart to?...Love God more? Trust in God more? if the answer is yes, then yeah, i guess there's not much to talk about. these things will take time... and i'm starting to see, maybe that's exactly what needs to happen.

then again, i could be wrong....again.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


We've finally got committee stuff up and running.... positions and roles have been chosen, and a vision seems to be in place. As far as the level of spirituality of the committee goes, we are pretty firm in the Lord, and praise HIM for that. But i feel that we have so much to learn...maybe a bit too much...ok fine....i'll just speak for myself then....I HAVE SOO MUCH TO LEARN. The school year is not upon me yet, so i guess i won't really know how tough it is till it starts.

more psych at play here.... i was chosen to be out/inreach coordinator this coming year, becuz of my outgoingness and hyperactive personality. I love gettin people pumped up for GOD! .... many times, when we are OFFICIALLY given the task to do something you already love, you tend to get weary of it. Social psych...uhh... dang i forgot the term for that! plan had been to do something else that's....relatively new, and perhaps something that requires me to learn to be different, AND at the same time, i can use my outgoingness and hyperactivity to help out, unofficially, like last year. It's not like i can lose this hyperness anytime soon. =P That way, i can really learn something, and might not get tired of being pumped up and pumping up all the time.

but then again...with this train of thought, i'm saying that it's hard to hold a career doing something one loves, which totally does not make sense.

Psych exam this thurs.
G driving exam next tues.

plz pray...and yeah i'm talking to you too, paul

Monday, June 06, 2005

Cause and Effect

I did a research paper on Causality as Jean Piaget saw it in developing children. Piaget, for those who don't know, was a genius and his works focussed on child psych development, as well as epistemology.

Well this blog is not about him.

Our bible prestudy went over the story of Cain and Abel, then related it to Hebrews 12, the Discipline of God. And briefly, the topic of whether everything bad that happens to us is a lesson or the discipline of God. If it is, then let's say I lie to a friend one day, and when i get home, i get sick. Can i say that my lying must have caused the illness? Practically speaking, of course not.... but that is only if we exclude God from our eqtn. But then i wonder if God really works like that...

My grandfather, whom we all thought was a strong Christian, apparently does not understand salvation. For those who pray to the true God, plz do so.
I'm starting to think it's something I did...again... hahahha who do i think i am!?...but could it be?.... i dunno....i really pray that God wouldn't punish someone else for my mistakes, in order to teach me a lesson.

but then again, He's God, i'm not. YOUR WILL BE DONE.

btw, i love ryerson CCF'ers. you guys rock much.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


i think that's about it for me. don't think i can play xbox anymore.....just too much time wasted...